The Bulgarian-Greek business forum, held on 03.10.2024, took place with increased interest, with over 80 companies and 200 organized meetings.

The Bulgarian-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Industry was a co-organizer of the event, which was held jointly with the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), the Commercial Department of the Embassy of the Republic of Greece in Bulgaria, the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, the Enterprise Greece and the Greek Exporters Association – SEVE. The event took place on Thursday on 03.10.2024, in the building of BCCI, on 9 Iskar St., Sofia. 18 companies arrived from Greece, and more than 80 companies registered from the Bulgarian side for personal meetings with them. Members and partners of the Bulgarian-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BHCCI) received individual invitations to participate in the forum and the B2B meetings, and they were provided with a free accompanying interpreter during the meetings. The meetings were attended by our official guests from the Municipality of Sliven, represented by the Deputy Mayor Stoyan Markov, the Manager of “Industrial Park Sliven” Mr. Solomon Moscona and from the Glozhene Municipality, represented by Mrs. Hristina Dakova, Sr. Specialist in Finance and Local Revenues.
In the official part, simultaneous interpretation was carried out by the interpreters members of the BHCCI. The translation from Greek to Bulgarian and vice versa was carried out by Ms. Marina Delivlaeva and Ms. Vessy Nikiforou, and Ms. Nadezhda Trenova personally facilitated the communication in both languages during the meetings.
The event was opened by the President of BCCI Mr. Tsvetan Simeonov and moderated by Mrs. Gabriela Dimitrova, Director of International Cooperation at BCCI. The participants were greeted by the Minister of Economy and Industry Dr. Petko Nikolov, as speakers on trade and economic issues were the Ambassador of Greece to Bulgaria H.E. Alexios Marios Liberopoulos, the President of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sofia Kounenaki-Efremoglou, Mila Nenova, Executive Director of the Bulgarian Investment Agency, and Betty Alexandroupoulou, Member of the Board of Enterprise Greece. The Chairman of the Bulgarian-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Savvas Karafyllidis spoke about the past and upcoming forums and events and emphasized the problems with the transport links between the two countries and the upcoming meetings in the city of Thessaloniki in this regard.